28 August 2007

"This is the story of how two douches from Spokane, Washington, became the most powerful players in the videogame industry."

A fine write-up of Mead H.S. boys-done-good in the current Wired. I knew Jerry a wee bit and he always struck me as one of those amiable creative-types that just needed the right outlet to demonstrate their superiority over us mere mortals. But what else would one expect from the former front man of The Righteous Corn Farmers?

Nothing I tell you... nothing.


Ryan said...

Okey, so I need to Google subjects before I post. I just assumed the Righteous Corn Farmers reference was more obscure...

Amanda said...

hehe. HEY! I haven't talked to you in ages! Are you dead?

Anyway, on the blog topic...Go Jerry and Mike! Good guys, I am glad life is treating them so well. =)