03 November 2006

Feelings Unexpressed

I have tried to organize what few blogs I follow anymore with Google Reader so all the new posts just show up in abbreviated form on my ever handy Google homepage. It is really useful and helps me to keep track of the lives of the few friends that regularly blog (A-hem, you know who you are). But when I am scanning, I frequently mistake an entry from one of my friends with the blog of Shane Nickerson, seeming actor and link off of Wil Wheaton. It usually takes me a few seconds to realize in my confused state that no, Nickie really isn't dropping the 'F' bomb in her post... that would be a tad out-of-character.

But this is the point that I am trying to drive at; he (Nickerson) wrote something so beautiful and direct. It's one of the many times that I read something and whole-heartedly relate to and wonder if someone has not been inside my head. "I could have written that, but now I can't because that would be intellectual poaching and just... lame." So my duty then is to point it out and say what a wonderful spot of writing it is. Which it is.


Unknown said...

Ha! You know it!

Unknown said...

Ha! You know it!