Day 185 of The Great Blogging Drought - Bessie, the family's prized cow died of emaciated, utter boredom... her bovine bones blown to dust in the searing cruel wind of Internet Interesting-ness. Another day and I fear our youngest; Stella Mae shall not be far behind in such a fate.
I can't believe just how devoid of ideas I have been these last few months. Maybe it's *just the distraction of events of more importance and closer to my heart that have prevented me from a deep dissertation on the novelty of naval oranges and other such flotsam that would normally pepper this humble blog abode.
So, a few little strings of things going on:
I think that I saw my last girlfriend, Lisa K. at the five o'clock Mars Hill service yesterday. The shock of seeing the postmodern girl at a hard-core conservative Christian place was both a bit of a shock and an extremely happy occurrence. This is the same girl that was voraciously reading Anais Nin in the wake of our breakup. I may be jumping to conclusions but this is one of the few things that I have ever prayed for and to see a possibility of it coming to pass is quite something. I hope the best of luck for the christian(?) guy with her.
Aimee had a much needed talk with her parents yesterday as well in which she brought up the fact that she was in contact with me. This was a crucial testing of the ice as far as her parent's receptiveness to me in her life is concerned. It seems to have gone rather well although key details were excluded. All mindful of easing them into the state of things, much in the same way one does not bluntly inform to the helicopter parents that their little Suzy has taken up rugby and never much cared for Malibu Barbie in the first place.
All in all, a good week looms. Aimee has two promising job interviews; hopefully something will work out and enable her to keep her house in the divorce.
On my own front, I continue to root around for more lucrative employment. I had a lukewarm interview with a small reprograhpics company in Bellevue this afternoon; the position sounds rather interesting although it would involve working on the Eastside and one knows what those people are like. This past month has been very un-fun financially speaking which has made the yearning for the Benjamin's and dissatisfaction with my current position all the more pronounced.
Something that made me very aware of the aforementioned Benjamin's was a long overdue check-out of the Queen Anne High School Condominiums. Aimee and I toured several lovely models in an utterly fantastic 1909 former high school, ladders to sleeping areas were prevalent which makes me question what sort of individual would drop $266k minimum on something that hearkens back to a pre-pubescent bunk bed. We did however find a livable 931 sq. ft. unit that was somewhat lacking in closet space for a measly $536,950. One must wonder how we walked away from such an opportunity.
And lastly, can one really be a christian and yet believe that the bible is full of contradictions and inconsistencies? This was stated to me by a dear friend last week, a girl that I tried in my small way to shepherd a bit. I guess I didn't do a very good job at it because if you don't have the bible, just what do you base your faith on?
I can't believe just how devoid of ideas I have been these last few months. Maybe it's *just the distraction of events of more importance and closer to my heart that have prevented me from a deep dissertation on the novelty of naval oranges and other such flotsam that would normally pepper this humble blog abode.
So, a few little strings of things going on:
I think that I saw my last girlfriend, Lisa K. at the five o'clock Mars Hill service yesterday. The shock of seeing the postmodern girl at a hard-core conservative Christian place was both a bit of a shock and an extremely happy occurrence. This is the same girl that was voraciously reading Anais Nin in the wake of our breakup. I may be jumping to conclusions but this is one of the few things that I have ever prayed for and to see a possibility of it coming to pass is quite something. I hope the best of luck for the christian(?) guy with her.
Aimee had a much needed talk with her parents yesterday as well in which she brought up the fact that she was in contact with me. This was a crucial testing of the ice as far as her parent's receptiveness to me in her life is concerned. It seems to have gone rather well although key details were excluded. All mindful of easing them into the state of things, much in the same way one does not bluntly inform to the helicopter parents that their little Suzy has taken up rugby and never much cared for Malibu Barbie in the first place.
All in all, a good week looms. Aimee has two promising job interviews; hopefully something will work out and enable her to keep her house in the divorce.
On my own front, I continue to root around for more lucrative employment. I had a lukewarm interview with a small reprograhpics company in Bellevue this afternoon; the position sounds rather interesting although it would involve working on the Eastside and one knows what those people are like. This past month has been very un-fun financially speaking which has made the yearning for the Benjamin's and dissatisfaction with my current position all the more pronounced.
Something that made me very aware of the aforementioned Benjamin's was a long overdue check-out of the Queen Anne High School Condominiums. Aimee and I toured several lovely models in an utterly fantastic 1909 former high school, ladders to sleeping areas were prevalent which makes me question what sort of individual would drop $266k minimum on something that hearkens back to a pre-pubescent bunk bed. We did however find a livable 931 sq. ft. unit that was somewhat lacking in closet space for a measly $536,950. One must wonder how we walked away from such an opportunity.
And lastly, can one really be a christian and yet believe that the bible is full of contradictions and inconsistencies? This was stated to me by a dear friend last week, a girl that I tried in my small way to shepherd a bit. I guess I didn't do a very good job at it because if you don't have the bible, just what do you base your faith on?