30 October 2009

Craigslist Find O' The Week

1985 Honda Nighthawk 700's - $800 (Seattle)

Date: 2009-10-29, 2:12PM PDT
Reply to: sale-tbvup-1443329138@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

Here you have to complete bikes with good titles. They don't run. The one in the foreground main bearings are chucked the one in the background has just been sitting. Also included are 2 parts bikes, complete with engines, 1 set carbs, 2 full sets of exhaust pipes, 2 frames, 2 back wheels. A lot of parts for one low low price! I can't guarantee the condition of the parts engines, you would probably want to rebuild one or find a crashed running bike to put in. Call Robert 206 715 7915

image 1443329138-0

PostingID: 1443329138

Up for consideration are a pair of mid-eighties Honda Nighthawks. From the sound of the posting, it seems that one could be a runner with a little work and you get a parts bike with extras. This iteration of the Nighthawk was produced from 1984 - '86 and for their time were pretty kick-ass. Hydraulic valves and a shaft drive reduced maintenance and were a little extra tech for the day; even now twenty-three years later a shaft-driven bike in any major manufacturer's catalog is difficult to find.

The word that I've heard is that Honda produced the 700cc motor to skirt recently enacted Reagan import tariffs imposed to benefit America's perennial retard of the motorbike industry; Harley. I don't have hard numbers but I'd bet dollars to donuts that this 700cc Nighthawk would have embarrassed an 883cc Sportster into hiding in any sort of performance comparison.

Personally, I really dig the styling of these bikes. The angular lines of this Nighthawk series and a few other Jap bikes of the same era really do it for me. Add the optional colour-matched chin scoop and I'd swoon.

04 February 2008

Welcome to my deserted island of church.

I know that I've said it before but, in roughly two-and-a-half years of attending (and as a member) of Mars Hill I have found it incredibly difficult to feel connected, get plugged in, or otherwise be a part of the community. And at this point, being without that community for so long is just wearing me down and making me feel alienated. From my own skewed opinion, I have matured light years in my personal relationship with Christ. I have almost daily "banter" and prayer life that has become increasingly Christ-centered and is fantastically edifying. In every aspect I truly am becoming a new, worshipful person from the inside-out. But the lack of Christian church community has me feeling like I'm wandering the desert alone and dang if I'm not thirsty. And it's not for lack of trying either. I haven't been in a community group since two moves ago, and since I now live in east Pierce county the closest one is in Auburn ...about fifteen miles away.... at seven in the evening...... on a Wednesday..... could it be less convenient? I volunteered in the Children's Ministry for a year and met some great people but still never felt like a member of the clique. We now live fifty miles away from my church making even attending an undertaking that is more than we usually care to burden ourselves with considering that I do nearly that same commute everyday for work. Is this the point where I give up in even trying? Not to mention that fact that with Aimee's advancing pregnancy, it limits our traveling.

Watching the sermon video and occasionally popping on to the member's site would seem to be great ways to stay in contact with the community but it just reminds me that I'm not there. Which sucks I tell you.

It sucks because Mars Hill is a freakin' awesome church and Mark Driscoll is a freakin' awesome pastor. The doctrine, the focus is like a spotlight on the person and work of Jesus. But the bureaucracy that is involved with a six thousand member, six location church has been slowly starving me and something needs to change now.

Such is my complaining for this day.

10 December 2007

I don't know you anymore.


Between taking up a suburban existence, becoming a father and getting generally all domestic I have not found the 'time' to post. But a-HA! ...didn't I just summary update there? I do have the 'time' to blog but rather when I put it in my expanding list of to-do's, it is pitifully down there at the bottom. Hanging Christmas lights on the house (an action that seems to require much more creativity than I had heretofore expected), fixing a drafty door, vacuuming, cooking, sitting on the couch watching whole seasons of 'The Office' with my increasingly preggo soon-to-be wife (yes, we had some steps out of sequence there), becoming the harried, overwhelmed accountant of a grocery store chain... well, all that seems to eat up a fair chunk of time.

Which is not to say that anything has or will change, just that I'm stealing time from work to type aimlessly.

So, what is on my mind:

* Becoming a good husband and father (pretty important one that).

* Meeting like-minded couples and bribing them to become our friends so we can some day throw fancy dress parties.

* Getting a BA online.

* Organizing the house before the baby comes.

* Becoming a one car house.

* Finding a church in East Pierce County or somehow staying connected to Mars Hill.

* Get a haircut.

* Chop a maple tree down, move the elkhorn to another spot in the yard.

* Make sense of our finances.

* Study up for LEED certification and convince my boss to foot the bill.

* Figuring out how to live & share the Gospel with my new extended family and neighbors.

So yeah, a few things on the ole' cerebral cortex to be sorted out.